
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南语“ho’n”字句汉语“比”字句对比探讨Vietnamese "Ho 'n" and Chinese "than" comparative study on words




Things are in the analogy of the relationship between the representation of its existence. Through the process of comparison, the characteristics of things, the nature of the show. The analogy may make us more clearly and more abstract. At the same time, it also allows us to more in-depth understanding of the existence of guest. In the theory of speech, the analogy method is more widely used (especially the rhetoric method), which makes the method more complicated. This thesis only studies between Chinese and Vietnamese two absolute and relatively more should construct a model of "(? "" "" "" "" and "ratio". In this paper, the results of the study on the basic, to take three three-dimensional reality, combined with second speaking teaching, foreign language teaching practice to stop the comparative study. This may deepen the understanding of these two kinds of speech, and also points out the similarities and differences between the two structural features, semantic features, pragmatic expression. The use of examples to prove that the mother tongue on the target language of positive and negative transfer of action. Which not only on language study, interlanguage research have certain reference value, and the foreign language teaching and research, the second talk teaching and translation task can be made due contribution. This paper contains four important parts: 1 introduction. 2 Chinese and Vietnamese "Bi" and "(? Comparison of "" "". 3 Vietnamese ("? The "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ". 4 appendix (Vietnam's "from Vietnam" (???? The translation of the sentence into Chinese sentences and statistics.


引论   8-11       1 探讨方向   8       2 探讨措施与近况   8-9       3 选题理由   9-10       4 探讨目的和探讨范围   10-11   第一章 越南语及“(?)”字句概说   11-18       1 、 越南语界说   11-13           1.1 语音   11-12           1.2 文字   12           1.3 词汇   12           1.4 语法   12-13       2 、 越南语的比较方式及“(?)”字句   13-17           2.1 越南语的比较方式   13-14           2.2 “(?)”字句的语法结构和语义特点   14-16               2.2.1 表比较标记的“(?)”   15               2.2.2 “(?)”字句的比较项(X、Y)和结论项(W)   15-16           2.3 “(?)”字句的否定形式   16-17       3 、 小结   17-18   第二章 越南语的“(?)”字句与汉语的“比”字句的对比   18-32       1 、 汉语的比较方式及“比”字句   18-20           1.1 汉语的比较方式   18           1.2 “比”字句   18-20               1.2.1 表示两种不同事物的比较   19-20               1.2.2 表示周遍意义   20               1.2.3 表示同一个对象在不同的时期、处所的情况的比较   20               1.2.4 “比”字句有完全式和省略式   20       2 、 “比”字句与“(?)”字句的对比   20-29           2.1 结构标记“(?)”与“比”   21-22           2.2 “比”字句和“(?)”字句的两个比较项(X、Y)   22-23           2.3 “(?)”字句的谓语成分(W)   23-26               2.3.1 谓语由形容词充任   23               2.3.2 越南语和汉语都有一个表示“具有、拥有”的动词“có”(有)   23-24               2.3.3 谓语是动词   24-26               2.3.4 谓语是名词结构   26           2.4 “(?)”字句和“比”字句的省略问题   26-29               2.4.1 极端性省略   27               2.4.2 省略比较方面和结论项(W)   27-28               2.4.3 比较项(X、Y)上的省略   28-29       3 、 带否定词的“比”和“(?)”   29-31           3.1 “(?)”字句和“比”字句的否定词否定什么?   29-30           3.2 “kh(?)ng”和“不”在“(?)”字句和“比”字句中的位置   30-31       4 、 小结   31-32   第三章 越南语“(?)”字句对越南学生学习汉语“比”字句的作用   32-43       1 、 语言对比探讨与对外汉语教学   33       2 、 越南语“(?)”字句对越南学生学习汉语“比”字句的作用   33-42           2.1 正迁移   33-35           2.2 负迁移   35-42               2.2.1 功能不一样,参考材料惹麻烦   35-36               2.2.2 表达形式截然不同,成分不对应   36-37               2.2.3 构词法不同,相对应成分难以监控   37-38               2.2.4 母语的比较重点移位或范围扩宽,越语论文题目,摸不着目的语的相应形式   38-40               2.2.5 附带成份的偏误   40-42       3 、 小结   42-43   第四章 结语   43-44   附录一 调查卷   44-48   附录二 调查结果   48-50   主要参考文献   50-53  
