
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-20





With the globalization of world economy, English advertisements translation is becoming more and more important and it exists in every corner in our daily life. In spite of lots of practices in English advertisements, the theoretical research in this field is still relatively backward in China. First, the thesis discusses the major language characteristics from three perspectives: lexical, syntactic and rhetorical aspects. Second, it probes into the current situation in Chinese translation of English advertising and points out the problems. Finally, according to the unique features of advertising, this thesis proposes and exemplifies three principles: faithfulness, attractiveness and acceptability, and three methods: transliteration, literal translation and free translation.

Key words: English advertising; Language characteristics; Chinese translation of advertising

1 Introduction

The word “advertise” stems from the Latin “advertere”, meaning “to make known to the public”. Lots of scholars have reflected on the meaning of the word in different versions. Abert Lasker, father of modern advertising, says that advertising is “salesmanship in print”. This definition is given a long time before the advent of radio and television. In deed, as Qian Yuan summarizes, advertising has become a highly powerful institution in modern society. It helps manufactures and corporations increase profits, manipulates social values and attitudes, and shapes people’s life style. The definition given by the American Marketing Association (AMA) seems to be more comprehensive and acceptable.
