
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南胡志明市潮州人的天后信仰Hu Zhiming, Vietnam, Chaozhou people's days of faith




Immigrants to Chaozhou live in Vietnam Hu Zhiming City, a large department is by boat to the sea, in the process of not face the risk of typhoon, Nianye waves. At the moment they only is attached sea goddess of Notre Dame, Enron to the new place of residence, in a less familiar with the site to start a new career will encounter a lot of hard, they in their own career around the set Tin Hau Temple, thanks to the grace of the shelter of Mary Help of Christians, also wish days empress can may bring them Enron's career. It can be said is the people of Chaozhou live worship days Vietnam Hu Zhiming city energy career not lack of faith. The thesis of the group Diva worship stops, the purpose of the study to find out the influence of their beliefs on their energy career for the status of their traditional civilization.


中文摘要   2-3   Abstract   3   中文文摘   4-5   目录   5-6   绪论   6-10       第一节 妈祖文化与信仰:相关探讨成果综述   6-8       第二节 探讨的原因与意义   8       第三节 探讨的对象、范围与措施   8-10   第一章 越南胡志明市的华人概况   10-18       第一节 越南胡志明市华人移民史   10-13       第二节 胡志明市华人社会组织   13-14       第三节 胡志明市华人文化特征   14-15       第四节 胡志明市华人经济特征   15-18   第二章 天后信仰在越南胡志明市潮州人传统宗教中所占的位置   18-28       第一节 越南胡志明市的潮州人简介   18-23       第二节 越南胡志明市潮州人对天后女神的认识   23-25       第三节 天后信仰对越南胡志明市潮州人生活中所起的功能   25-28   第三章 天后信仰对越南胡志明市潮州人传统文化所起的作用   28-34       第一节 对风俗习惯方面的作用   28-30       第二节 对文学方面的作用   30-34   结论   34-36   附录1 本次实地调查材料   36-38   附录2 对于天后庙会的图片   38-42   参考文献   42-48   致谢   48-50   个人简历   50-51  
