
资料分类免费越南语论文 责任编辑:阮圆圆更新时间:2017-06-19

越南共产党革新开放历程及其启示The course of the reform and opening up of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Its Enlightenment




The Communist Party of Vietnam is one of the few after the ruling Communist Party, in its way is not easy. The Communist Party of Vietnam from moving to 1986, more than ten years of moving in general is not actually very victory, especially to the 1986, Vietnamese Communist Party under the guidance of the Vietnam was in point of exterior interior recounted, inside and outside the party to change the voice has become more and more fierce. In this case, the Vietnamese Communist Party can only guide Vietnam to stop change, otherwise, the Vietnamese Communist Party came to power in the morning and evening work. The Communist Party of Vietnam to adapt to such a situation, and slowly began to reform. Vietnam Communist Party of Vietnam to stop the reform and opening up is a gradual process, before and after the start, steady growth and deep three stages of growth. The Communist Party of Vietnam in 1986 began the reform and opening up to the eve of the 1991 seven, the Communist Party of Vietnam reform and opening up measures began to take some measures in various areas, but the pace was significantly less, in the beginning of the era of exploration. 1991 seven after the eve, the Communist Party of Vietnam had planned to accelerate measures of reform and opening to the outside world, but because before and after the Soviet Union upheaval and Southeast Asia financial crisis in Vietnam formed very big impact, bring about the Communist Party of Vietnam's reform and opening up, although still in continuously push forward, but not the progress of the eve of the stepping. After entering the new century, the reform and opening up of the Communist Party of Vietnam has produced significant changes in the international situation, the Vietnamese Communist Party has also accelerated the transformation of various areas, to obtain a greater achievement. The article describes the important application of historical analysis, comparative analysis and other methods, the Communist Party of Vietnam's reform and opening up the process of a comprehensive analysis of the comparison.


摘要   4-6   Abstract   6-7   导言   10-13       (一) 选题原因、意义   10-11       (二) 探讨近况   11-12       (三) 论文的框架结构   12-13   一、革新开放的起步时期   13-20       (一) 总结社会主义建设的经验教训   16-17       (二) 认清国情,提出“越南处于向社会主义过渡时期”   17-18       (三) 变革管理体制,发挥计划机制与市场机制的双重影响   18-20       (四) 着手党内民主建设   20   二、革新开放的巩固发展阶段   20-28       (一) 坚持革新开放的社会主义方向不动摇   21-22       (二) 继续推进经济体制革新   22-24       (三) 加强党的建设   24-27       (四) 开展积极主动的外交,越南语论文,为革新开放创造良好的外部环境   27-28   三、革新开放的深入大发展时期   28-37       (一) 发展经济理论,越语论文题目,深化经济改革   28-30       (二) 革新党的领导   30-34       (三) 逐步完善社会主义民主   34-35       (四) 继续深化反腐败斗争   35-36       (五) 外交上,越南与美国关系取得重大突破   36-37   四、越南共产党革新开放的启示   37-42       (一) 共产党应该向外国政党学习,但要根据自己实际予以取舍   37-38       (二) 执政的共产党在进行国家改革必须毫不动摇坚持社会主义   38-39       (三) 执政的共产党在国家改革的过程中必须高度重视腐败问题   39-40       (四) 经济发展的同时,民主也应该不断推进   40-42   参考文献   42-46  
