
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

汉语语音教学中的泰语注音一以泰国猜也奔府钻石中学为例Chinese phonetic teaching in Thai phonetic in Thailand Chaiyaphum province diamond middle school as an example




In recent years, China's economic and political position has been continuously promoted, and the number of Chinese learners in the world is also rising. Chinese in the northwest Asian countries, especially in the location of Thailand also follow this trend continued warming. Because of the demand in Thailand has a large number of schools have different levels of offering Chinese courses. Chinese teachers have also been ordered to kill 2 different regions, there is also a small big city, township. Every schools, geographical teaching, to speak, and the need of Chinese differs somewhat, in big trend still insist on their own special. Because of these special characteristics, in the actual teaching process, the teacher will encounter many practical studies or future generations of teaching experience has not touched the situation. These special circumstances deserve to be analyzed and studied. He taught in Thailand Chaiyaphum province diamond middle school age, the invention opened Chinese courses in the class almost 57% of Mr. in learning Chinese pronunciation will Thai used in the notes to the Pinyin consonants, vowels and tones department, and Chinese vocabulary and sentence external content stop phonetic. These phonetic notation can be classified as three big categories: according to the teacher's records, according to the repeat case records, and according to the classmate notes recorded. The with the consent of the students are in favor of collect and scanning the notebook and co Ren teaching school Chinese courses, teaching and the eve of the surrounding situation of Chinese demand, a comprehensive analysis of the Thai phonetic content, the reason of existence and the existing achievements. This paper will Thai phonetic content divided into three departments to stop description and analysis: to initial phonetic and pronunciation of vowels and tones of phonetic. Through the analysis of the process of the invention, the phonetic exist many problems, such as phonetic content deviated from the accurate pronunciation, Chinese and Thai speaking like elements that constitute the negative migration, Chinese and Thai speaking elements are specific forms of negative migration. In Mr. and local faculty exchange and communication, and summarizes the effects of Thai phonetic important by English, Chinese and Thai pronunciation and articulation gap, study time and other factors. According to the results of the analysis is proposed in this paper some improvement effect of teaching way, such as through the sponsorship of local teachers explain the similarities and differences between Chinese and Thai, explain the shortcomings of using phonetic, construction to speak, and for Chinese with speaking the elements of teaching methods. The vast literature mainly from the perspective of speech analysis of Thai students learning Chinese in application of native stopped replacing, and in order to analyze Mr. speech errors, such as Mei Chen (2017), Shan Yan He (2017), Wang Lijuan (2017), and Hong Wei (2017) and. In this paper, the focus is on the text replacement and error approach. Text replacement refers to the use of the language in the language in the language in a similar or more easy to control the voice of the scene to stop the replacement. Later, according to the content of these substitutions to stop the pronunciation of the exercise, to form a picture of the voice replacement. This is the Thai phonetic text replacement situation. Such replacement situation on the pronunciation errors of the composition has a certain approach. Hope this article through process analysis and Study on the Thai phonetic content and found the reason for future similar premise in international Chinese teaching faculty members to the perspective of a reference to phonetic errors which cause supply and to better correct Mr. Chinese speech learning in the presence of various grades.

