
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

当代泰国贫困问题探讨Research on poverty in contemporary Thailand




In the economic development of the modern world, the poor performance has been a serious problem that puzzles the human society. Not only in developing countries and regions there are great, and there is a rising trend of poor population and in the thriving economy of Europe and the United States also exist a large number of poor population. Thailand as a growth China Indochina agile processes, its economic growth by the audience who watched. But bring economic booming prosperity and no response to distribute in the country in all regions and populations. Along with the economic growth of Thailand is the expansion of the poor continuity and the gap between the rich and the poor. This article is precisely based on such background, according to the related works of economic statistics, the Chinese and foreign scholars, to dialectical idealism and historical idealism as a guide, to Thailand's poor performance to stop economic, social, cultural, historical, and multi view profound assessment and system research, namely the important is from basic concept, poor measure, the identity of poverty, anti poverty strategies and trends, to Thailand's poor performance to stop more profound and comprehensive research and familiar with the analysis. This article attempts to through the process of Thailand's poor performance research to probe the post-war Thailand of rapid economic growth in the face of many difficulties and challenges, and a deeper exploration and understand the vast China in economic growth through the arduous process of growth. The paper is divided into four departments in the first division of the basic situation of the poor performance of Thailand. Elaborated the concept of the poor in the servant chapeau inside the doors, in order to identify in Thailand who is qionghan, to discuss the Thailand division qionghan scales. This is basically the number of poor population in modern Thailand change made a survey. First, analysis of the fundamental characteristics of poor performance and poor performance of Thailand economic and social development of Thailand. The second sector is the fundamental cause of poor performance in Thailand. The factors that lead to the poor are quite complex, and the poor are often the result of a variety of factors. This paper focuses on discussing the economic increase in income distribution gap expansion and industry, regional economic growth imbalance, social ensure rail system establish lag and human capital of the weakness of Thailand's poor and deepen the effect. Third departments for the anti poverty measures in Thailand. A poor, Thai authorities actually not mediocrity, the poor have rate decline year by year explains the Thai authorities on anti poverty achievement the efforts made by the. In this paper, from two aspects of the micro and micro aspects of the Thailand authorities to discuss the Countermeasures of anti poverty. Microscopic aspect of the important strategies is accelerated economic growth, accelerate the process of agricultural modernization, control population growth, improve the population quality, and evacuation growth, establish and regional economic growth. Micro -, anti - poverty measures are important for the implementation of a number of special poverty alleviation projects. The fourth sector is the future trend of poor performance in Thailand. In, on the basis of the analysis of the poor situation of Thailand, it is concluded that the poor performance of Thailand's fourth largest the basic trend of the 1, weigh the poverty level target will tend to be high; second, absolute poverty will gradually become poor body; 3, the village poor grades and urban poor grades will shift, urban poor class in will age is a growing trend; 4, women, the elderly and children will become poor population in the most concern groups.

