
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国汉语课堂言语交际探讨A study of non verbal communication in Chinese language classroom in Thailand




Non verbal diplomacy as a means of transmitting information, has a unique effect in the process of human beings. It can help language expression Dayi, also can temporarily replace words, complete the diplomatic movement. Chinese language teaching, especially in foreign language classrooms, the main position of non verbal diplomacy than usual, but also has a certain degree of particularity. Using nonverbal actual spread, through the process to go to Thai Chinese teacher's teaching video analysis and teacher interview situation, combined with teaching guidance, psychological science and practice of second language acquisition etc. research results, review and discuss the Chinese in Thailand, non foreign language to non speech from has been much neglected corners pulled out and restore its rightful place. This article is divided into six chapters: the first chapter is the introduction, the main introduction of research background, the interpretation of the concept and related topics. The second chapter to the fifth chapter separation from the body language, body from the hands and body contact, side to speak, decoration language, by video observations, teacher interviews and other forms, has made the detailed analysis and discuss the Thai Chinese topic nonverbal diplomatic situation, and combined with the situation in Thailand, make perceptual explanation and interpretation of the results of this study. The sixth chapter is the conclusion, which summarizes the research and invention of this article, and analyzes the evaluation and analysis of this research.


摘要   4-5   ABSTRACT   5-6   第一章 绪论   9-15       1.1 探讨背景   9-13           1.1.1 非言语交际   9-11           1.1.2 非言语交际与教育   11-12           1.1.3 非言语交际与对外汉语课堂   12-13       1.2 概念阐述   13           1.2.1 非言语交际   13           1.2.2 教学非言语交际   13       1.3 教学非言语交际探讨课题   13-14       1.4 探讨材料来源说明   14-15   第二章 体态语   15-28       2.1 教学体态语的影响   15-16       2.2 教学体态语的分类   16-24           2.2.1 面势语   16-19           2.2.2 手势语   19-22           2.2.3 身势语   22-24       2.3 教学实例略论--微笑   24-25       2.4 体态语之于泰国汉语教学的影响   25-28   第三章 体距与体触   28-46       3.1 体距   28-42           3.1.1 学生座位安排方式   28-31           3.1.2 泰国中小学座位安排   31-32           3.1.3 教学实例略论--教师课堂移动路线和站位   32-40           3.1.4 总体调查结果及略论   40-42       3.2 体触   42-46           3.2.1 泰国汉语课堂中的体触   42-43           3.2.2 泰国汉语课堂体触行为为何少   43-44           3.2.3 泰国汉语课堂体触行为特点   44-46   第四章 副语言   46-60       4.1 副语言的定义   46       4.2 副语言的特征   46-47       4.3 副语言的分类   47       4.4 教学实例略论--语速   47-57           4.4.1 语速考察操作步骤   48           4.4.2 样本数据统计   48-54           4.4.3 数据略论与对比   54-57       4.5 教学实例略论--沉默   57-60   第五章 装饰语   60-65       5.1 板书设计   60-63           5.1.1 板书设计准则   60-61           5.1.2 教学实例略论--板书   61-62           5.1.3 板书常见问题总结   62-63       5.2 外貌造型   63-65           5.2.1 服饰   63           5.2.2 妆容   63-65   第六章 结语   65-68   参考文献   68-71   附录一 赴泰汉语教师访谈问题   71-73   致谢   73  
