
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国南部穆斯林问题泰国政府社会矛盾协调控制The coordination and control of the government of the Thailand government on the social conflicts in the south of Thailand




Thailand terrorism since the 90's of the twentieth Century movement is more on international terrorism under the. However to see, if the 20th century since the 1990s Malay Muslim in the political, economic, and cultural situation get sufficient improvement, these foreign identity nor as so intense reactions that occur in the southern Thailand is to I think about Tynan peoples respectively doctrine scores normalized root what still and southern Thailand region itself there are achievements and Thai authorities policy. At the same time, it should be noted that, only one country tourism diplomacy in order to fully deal with national respectively, the results are far from enough, but also pay attention to the neighboring countries and the international situation of the appearance of the eve of the situation. As long as in the international management justice and reasonable policy authorities and in the joint efforts, in the global scale the biggest limit clear differences between strata, the late southern Thailand plain near family conflict and ethnic respectively activism will have the true message.


封面   1-2  
文摘   2-3  
英文文摘   3-4  
绪论   4-10  
    第一节 探讨课题的背景、理论及实际意义   4-5  
    第二节 国内外文献综述   5-8  
    第三节 论文的探讨措施   8-9  
    第四节 论文的创新与局限   9-10  
第一章 泰南穆斯林问题的成因及近况   10-18  
    第一节 泰南穆斯林问题的由来及演变   10-14  
    第二节 泰南穆斯林民族分离主义近况   14-18  
第二章 泰国政府对泰南穆斯林问题的政策   18-34  
    第一节 泰国政府对泰南穆斯林政策的演变   18-27  
    第二节 泰国与马来西亚对于泰南穆斯林问题的交涉   27-34  
第三章 泰国政府对泰南穆斯林问题的社会控制与治理对策   34-48  
    第一节 罗斯的社会控制理论   34-40  
    第二节 应用社会控制理论对泰南穆斯林问题治理的思考   40-48  
结束语   48-50  
参考文献   50-54  
后记   54  
