
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国学生汉语学习动机调查探讨一以泰国勿洞为例A study on Chinese learning motivation of Thailand students in a case of Thailand




Motivation (motivation) is the most influential in the second language learning learners individual difference, is one of the factors, the second speech acquisition research widely the idea is regarded as the identity of the crux of the action in the second language learning, is to research student learning motivation of Chinese as a second language teaching is of great significance. In this study, combined with the practice and the theory of the second language teaching coherent, leave many aspects from the mind of learning to speak, second language acquisition, combined with the author in Betong, Thailand, the Confucius Institute's teaching theory, to Thailand pure students issued 600 query visit questionnaire, use of social be superstitious statistical software spss18and. 0 be statistical analysis and joint interview exchange, classroom observations and other research methods, a comprehensive query visit and analysis of the Thai students learning Chinese thought status, compare the learning individual identity of Chinese learning motivation. This study aims to the inventor of Chinese education in Thailand in the non target language learning thought characteristic, analysis the influence of the Chinese learning motivation of the identity, and puts forward the aroused Mr. Chinese learning motivation of the countermeasures and suggestions, for the progress of Chinese as the second language teaching results supply a certain reference and would like. Research notes, most of the Thailand students more understand Chinese learning motivation, but the overall level is not too high. Data analysis showed that, ethnicity, gender, teaching level differences, language learning motivation is endless also and same, but their most obvious learning motivation are object oriented idea, worth noting is Chinese into the extinction of thought; into thoughts of Mr. learning achievement of most of the eve into higher thought Mr. learning achievement better, less impact on the learning achievements of object oriented idea, and a slightly negative correlation; ethnic identity, gender, education level etc. cities on achievement occurred effects of different level. The other is a kind of widely prospect of Thailand students Chinese learning motivation subsided, deserves widespread concern. The identity of the influence of the Chinese idea of a teacher is an important course and school situation, mr.. Initially, according to the research method, and integrated consider Thailand students personality traits and other factors, this paper to stimulate and maintain the Chinese learning motivation response strategy and suggestions are put forward.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4   目录   5-7   1 绪论   7-11       1.1 选题缘由   7       1.2 探讨目的和意义   7-8       1.3 探讨措施   8-11   2 相关探讨综述   11-23       2.1 动机理论及对外语学习的意义   11-14           2.1.1 生物视角下的动机及需要理论   11-12           2.1.2 行为主义视角下的动机和强化理论   12           2.1.3 认知视角下的动机及其动机理论   12-14       2.2 国外二语/外语学习动机的探讨   14-18           2.2.1 Gardner 对于二语学习的社会心理学理论   15-16           2.2.2 Dornyei 和 Otto 的外语学习三层次说和第二语言动机过程模式   16-17           2.2.3 Tremblay 和 Gardner 的扩展模式   17-18           2.2.4 国外对于动机和其他因素之间关系的探讨   18       2.3 国内第二语言学习动机探讨   18-19       2.4 国内外汉语作为第二语言学习动机探讨   19-21           2.4.1 汉语学习动机本身及分类探讨   19           2.4.2 学习动机与相关因素的探讨   19-21       2.5 本章小结   21-23   3 泰国勿洞学生汉语学习动机的调查与略论   23-33       3.1 族群身份与动机   23-25           3.1.1 华人与动机分类描述性统计   23-24           3.1.2 非华人与学习动机描述性统计   24           3.1.3 华人与非华人动机的对比描述性略论   24-25       3.2 性别与动机   25-27           3.2.1 男生与学习动机描述性统计   25           3.2.2 女生与动机分类描述性统计   25-26           3.2.3 男生与女生动机的对比描述性略论   26-27       3.3 教育程度与动机   27-29           3.3.1 小学生与动机分类描述性统计   27           3.3.2 中学生与动机分类描述性统计   27-28           3.3.3 大学生与动机的对比描述性略论   28           3.3.4 三类学生动机的对比描述性略论   28-29       3.4 各因素相关性略论   29-33   4 作用泰国学生汉语学习的因素略论   33-41       4.1 课程设置及学校环境与动机减退   35-36       4.2 学生个体因素与动机减退   36-37       4.3 教师因素与动机减退   37-39       4.4 教师对泰国学生动机减退的反馈   39       4.5 本章小结   39-41   5 如何提升泰国学生汉语学习动机   41-53       5.1 积极转换教师角色   41-44           5.1.1 满足学生要求和培养学生兴趣   41-42           5.1.2 培养学生树立正确的归因   42-43           5.1.3 提高教师个人品质和教学能力   43-44       5.2 创造良好的课堂环境   44-47           5.2.1 对学生做出适当的评价和奖励   44           5.2.2 增强学生的自我效能感   44-45           5.2.3 调整教师的期望   45-46           5.2.4 制造积极活跃的课堂气氛   46-47       5.3 激发动机的辅助手段   47-50           5.3.1 研编合适的教材和制定合理的课程设置   47-48           5.3.2 利用多媒体和网络资源   48-49           5.3.3 开展课外活动,培养学生兴趣   49-50       5.4 强调华人的家庭教育   50-51       5.5 本章小结   51-53   6 结论   53-57   致谢   57-59   参考文献   59-63   附录   63-79  
