
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

早期预警体系运用一以泰国为例Application of early warning system in Thailand as an example




With the financial globalization pause, the nations slowly approached to enhance financial growth, Chinese degree of currency crisis burst frequency increases, can be said that the currency crisis has become the biggest threat of Chinese growth. As far as China is concerned, at present, it has officially entered the WTO, and is responsible for the premise of the agreement. If before China's economic and financial risk scores only stay in the comments debate and the actual analysis of the stage, then the impact of these risks have become able to. But after using this kind of China management floating exchange rate system that is actually a fixed exchange rate system, capital market basic implementation bundle, foreign exchange reserves increased year by year, and has never been Chinese burst crisis, is not to stop on the definition of crisis, but also the lack of historical data, the crisis required for speculation. First, the traditional currency crisis and the recent research on the actual currency crisis early warning to stop thinking, to try to find the origin of the crisis and some of the main objectives of early warning, this basically, currency crisis early warning method Kaminsky a signal analysis method, the statistical analysis of the monthly data to stop Thailand 1992 2000 years, comprehensive target calculated each warning threshold, adjust the target after the noise signal ratio and crisis warning, and then take the monthly data of Thailand in 2001 to Thailand in the future 12 months to stop the crisis of speculation, initially come to Thailand in 12 months will not produce crises in the future.


第一章 问题的提出   5-8       一 国际资本流动的短期化   5       二 开放经济条件下的三难选择   5-6       三 发展中国家的不利地位   6       四 为什么选择泰国   6-8   第二章 货币危机理论及其早期预警探讨综述   8-13       一 金融危机与货币危机   8       二 传统货币危机理论综述   8-10           (一) 第一代货币危机理论   8-9           (二) 第二代货币危机理论   9           (三) 第三代货币危机理论   9-10       三 近期对货币危机预警指标的经验探讨   10-13           (一) 针对世界各国的探讨   10           (二) 针对泰国的探讨   10-13   第三章 货币危机预警体系的理论略论框架   13-19       一 货币危机的定义   13       二 预警指标   13-14       三 非参数法:信号略论   14-17           (一) 信号区间的选择   15           (二) 阈值的确定   15-16           (三) 早期预警指标的综合及其危机发生的概率   16-17       四 参数法:概率单位模型及其对数单位模型   17-19           (一) 概率单位模型   17-18           (二) 对数单位模型   18-19   第四章 对泰国的经验探讨   19-26       一 预警指标的表现   19       二 预警指标的筛选   19       三 危机的预测   19-26   第五章 待解决的几个问题及其对我国的启示   26-29       一 措施论上的问题   26       二 模型本身存在的一些问题   26       三 银行危机   26-27       四 传染效应   27-28       五 对我国的启示   28-29   参考文献   29-31   附录   31-39   后记   39  
