
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国木薯产品中国市场竞争优势略论Analysis of competitive advantage of cassava products in China market in Thailand




This paper mainly studies the three scores is China from Thailand large exports of cassava products to Thailand to bring the positive and negative effects; second, Thailand and Vietnam cassava product of parturient and competition state and commercial advantages of comparative analysis; three is the application of self diagnosis method (SWOT analysis) to analyze the Thai cassava products in China cassava market competition position, the Department to focus on the analysis of the Thai cassava product advantages, advantages, in the face of the opportunities and challenges. The conclusion of this paper is that Thailand cassava products alive in cassava markets around the world, especially China cassava market still has very big share, Thailand cassava products more competitive than Vietnam, but Vietnam tapioca possessions of the potential rise ceaselessly, Vietnam cassava product is predatory Thailand cassava products alive on the world market share of. First, how does this article adhere to and improve the competitiveness of products in Thailand cassava results, put forward its own proposals.


致谢   2-3   摘要   3-4   英文摘要   4   一、前言   6-7   二、泰国木薯生产及市场状况   7-9       (一) 木薯简介   7       (二) 泰国木薯的种植分布   7       (三) 泰国木薯的生产状况   7-8       (四) 泰国木薯的出口状况   8-9   三、中国大量进口泰国木薯产品的原因及对泰国的作用   9-13   四、泰国的竞争对手:越南   13-15   五、泰国木薯产品竞争力略论--SWOT 略论法   15-17       (一) 优势   15-16       (二) 劣势   16       (三) 机遇   16-17       (四) 威胁   17   六、结论及建议   17-19   参考文献   19-22   中文详细摘要   22-24  
