
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国中学汉语教学状况调查近况略论An investigation and Analysis on the status quo of Chinese teaching in middle schools of Thailand




In this paper, from the analysis of Thai middle school Chinese teaching current situation of this angle, Thailand Bangkok, Chonburi, two secondary schools in a total of 160 Chinese learning are important query visit object and important application questionnaire inquires the visit method, interview method, analysis and research of Thailand. Mr. learning Chinese. First of all, the first part expounds the Chinese teaching in Thailand's growth, the author itself in Thailand for a period of one year of practice teaching tasks, analysis of research in Middle School of Thailand's unique teaching form, and Thailand middle school Chinese curriculum teaching management, than compared with the analysis of different international school happen the teaching form. Secondly, the system of the foreign about the second language learning motivation research, to today's ceaseless development research from the late linguists proposed the actual form of reality, this chapter sums up the integrated vast scholars from different angles and at different levels from the summary of the discussion and the actual. International scholars in reference to foreign thoughts research theories, the Thai Chinese teaching situation do the research and analysis the response to promote the Chinese proposal. For Sarah middle school and poor is widening Mr. of middle school Chinese classes to professional, from the Chinese Mr. learning idea, dominate the Chinese curriculum in Thailand, Chinese difficulty, teaching materials, teachers in many aspects reasons hands do the system of investigation questionnaire. Analysis that affect the Thai students learning Chinese thought of a lot of reason and different grades of students studying the Chinese idea of the difference, find can may arouse Mr. Chinese learning motivation of teaching methods, and at the same time in school happen the domination of textbooks and curriculum, classroom teachers teach rearing methods and teaching way of joint venture aspects give and response of the teaching suggestions. The author itself encountered in Thailand teaching task in the process of achievement basis, analyze and summarize the cause result of all kinds of reasons, set out from the theory, put forward the corresponding countermeasures and back in Thailand's high school Chinese teaching profound expansion offers certain reference to.


致谢   5-6   摘要   6   第一章 绪论   9-13       1.1 选题意义   9       1.2 问题的提出   9-10       1.3 本课题的探讨价值及探讨目标   10-11       1.4 探讨背景   11-12           1.4.1 泰国中学教学模式背景介绍   11-12           1.4.2 泰国中学汉语课程的教学管理   12       1.5 探讨措施   12-13   第二章 国内外对于第二语言学习动机的相关探讨综述   13-16       2.1 国内外第二语言学习动机的探讨   13-15       2.2 泰国的汉语学习者学习动机的探讨   15-16   第三章 泰国中学生学习动机的调查   16-19       3.1 调查对象   16-18           3.1.1 以曼谷萨拉中学为例   16-17           3.1.2 以春武里府是拉差中学为例   17-18       3.2 问卷设计   18       3.3 调查时间   18       3.4 调查方式   18-19   第四章 调查结果及略论   19-31       4.1 泰国学校汉语课时安排情况   19-20       4.2 作用泰国中学生汉语学习动机的因素   20-22       4.3 泰国中学生对汉语学习的兴趣及态度   22-23       4.4 不同年级、不同水平学生学习汉语动机的异同   23-24       4.5 汉语学习的难点   24-27       4.6 泰国中学生汉语学习的模式   27-30       4.7 教材的层次、优劣以及多媒体设备对泰国中学生汉语学习的作用   30-31   第五章 对泰中学生汉语教学措施的改进及应对策略   31-39       5.1 创设情境教学模式,丰富教学措施   31-34       5.2 规范汉语教材,完善多媒体设施   34-37       5.3 利用中国元素激发学生汉语学习的兴趣   37-38       5.4 汉语教师应具备的基本素质及其对汉语教学的作用   38-39   第六章 结语   39-41       6.1 本调查报告探讨的结论   39-40       6.2 本文探讨的不足和有待提高之处   40-41   参考文献   41-42   泰国中学生汉语学习动机调查问卷   42-44   泰国中学生汉语学习调查问卷统计数据   44-47  
