
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国中学生汉语教材调查探讨The investigation of Chinese textbooks for middle school students in Thailand


最近几年来,跟着我国综合实力的加强和对外作用力的赓续扩展,汉语进修的高潮也在日趋低落。在浩瀚展开汉语教授教养的国度中,泰国的汉语教授教养极具代表性!从2017年至今为止,泰国前后开设了1713所传授汉语的年夜、中、小黉舍,进修汉语的人数高达65.5万,如许的汉语教授教养和进修范围是史无前例的。但是,面临如斯宏大的汉语进修人群,如今汉语的教授教养中能否存在着缺乏的地方?笔者将从汉语教材动手,查询拜访泰国的汉语教材体系能否完美,泰语论文范文,汉语教材的内容编排能否切近生涯,可否相符进修者的需求,和现有的教材课文可否让进修者发生进修兴致等成绩。带着如许的疑问,笔者在泰国停止支教的10个月时代,普遍的搜集了各类资料,与泰国的中先生停止了深刻的交换,同时浏览了与之相干的文献,泰语专业论文,统计了几本具有代表性的泰国中先生汉语教材,并以泰国加拉信府kalasinpittayasan Secondary School(KPN), Muang Kalasin Schoo(MKS),Kalasinpittayasai School(KPI), Anubankalasin School(ANB), Somdetpitt-ayakhom School(SDP)五所中学的部门先生为查询拜访对象运用问卷查询拜访泰国中先生真正感兴致的汉语教授教养教材课文。本文愿望从国别角度,经由过程本身的教授教养经历和查询拜访研究,反应涌现在泰国中先生汉语教材中存在的一些成绩,从而为泰国中先生汉语教材的编写供给一些素材和经历,为出书一本合适泰国中先生汉语教材出一份菲薄之力,以此激起泰国中先生进修汉语的兴致,有用的进步支教教员的教授教养效力,推行我国对外汉语教授教养,从而将汉语和中国文明更好的推向世界。


In recent years, along with the strengthening of China's comprehensive national strength and international influence continuously extended, learning Chinese climax also is declining. In the vast spread of Chinese language teaching in the country, the Chinese teaching in Thailand is very representative! From 2017 up to now, Thailand and opened 1713 the teach Chinese big, medium and small Hong homes, learning Chinese number up to 65.5 million, such Chinese teaching and learning scope is unprecedented. However, facing such great Chinese language teaching of Chinese people, now whether there is a lack of the place? The materials from the Chinese hands, inquires the visit Thailand Chinese teaching material system is perfect or not, Chinese language teaching content arrangement can the closest career, could match the learner needs, and the existing text could make learning occurred learning interest and achievement. With such questions, the author in Thailand to stop the volunteer 10 months of age, generally collected all kinds of information, and Mr. in Thailand to stop the profound exchange, while browsing the relevant literature, based on the statistics of the representative of Thailand Mr. in Chinese textbooks, and in Thailand Kalasin house kalasinpittayasan secondary school (KPN). Muang Kalasin Schoo (MKS), Kalasinpittayasai school (KPI), Anubankalasin school (anb), Somdetpitt-ayakhom school (SDP) five high school department Mr. query visit object using a questionnaire survey of Thailand. Mr. are really interested in Chinese teaching textbook. Hope this article from the perspective of the country, through the process of teaching experience and inquires the visit discussion reaction emerged exist in Chinese teaching materials for Thai students some achievements, to into the supply of material and experience of compiling Chinese teaching materials for Thai students, for the book a suitable Thai students Chinese textbooks out a meager force, provoked this Thai students learning Chinese interest, useful progress volunteer teacher's teaching efficiency, the implementation of China's foreign language teaching, which will be a Chinese and Chinese culture better promoted.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   第一章 引言   9-15       第一节 探讨背景、目的及意义   9-10       第二节 概念界定   10-11       第三节 样本界定   11-13       第四节 探讨内容及措施   13-14       第五节 相关探讨综述   14-15   第二章 针对泰国中学生所使用汉语教材的调查   15-21       第一节 泰国现阶段汉语教学的状况   15-16       第二节 泰国中学生的特点   16-17       第三节 泰国目前汉语教材的采用情况略论   17-18       第四节 目前泰国教材存在的问题   18-19       第五节 对四部教材的课文统计与略论   19-20       第六节 对四部教材国别词汇的统计与略论   20-21   第三章 泰国中学生汉语教材的需求调查   21-38       第一节 针对教材设计的调查问卷和调查过程   21-23       第二节 对问卷调查结果的统计略论和探讨--课文   23-34       第三节 对调查问卷结果的统计略论和探讨--词汇   34-37       第四节 对教师访谈部分的略论   37-38   第四章 泰国中学生汉语言文学教材的略论策略和设计   38-49       第一节 教材设计的第一步--对相关现实因素的略论   38-39       第二节 教学材料设计的第二步--确定教学材料所依据的教育学习目标   39-41       第三节 教案设计第三步--确定教材大纲与内容的编排   41-49   第五章 结语   49-50   参考文献   50-52   附录一   52-53   附录二   53-59   附录三   59-61   致谢   61  
