
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国中医专业现行汉语教材探讨Research on the current Chinese teaching materials of Thailand Chinese Medicine Specialty




Along with the western medicine in the domestic growth on western demand is more and more big Chinese textbooks. However, in the current foreign language teaching materials and foreign language teaching materials research is increasing year by year, the Chinese teaching materials research has always been slow, because of this kind of teaching object is special. And on the Thailand Chinese teaching materials, this type of Western Medicine on the country's foreign language teaching is in the initial stage of the study. In this paper, first of all, the current international Chinese teaching materials and Western Thailand Chinese teaching materials to stop the study, from the background to understand the current development of Chinese Textbooks in Western medicine. At the same time, it also proves the necessity of the study of Chinese textbook of Western medicine from the growth trend of Chinese teaching in Thailand and the development trend of Western medicine in Thailand. Then this paper uses comparative analysis and questionnaire investigation methods of Chinese and Western medicine of Western medicine professional education raised arguments, from a positive reaction performance of today's Thai and Western medicine, Chinese courses and Western medicine Chinese textbooks. Secondly, their own from the vocabulary, cultural identity, the country of the three layers of Chinese medicine in Thailand in the current study of Chinese medicine to stop the analysis. Vocabulary: according to talk teaching vocabulary actual test to construct the Thai western medicine Chinese choice of scale, and on the basis of current western Thailand Chinese teaching material analysis. Civilization: from the construction of a function of a combination of the three civilizations of the textbook compilation principle, an important comment on the cultural identity of Thailand western medicine Chinese textbooks. Country specific aspects: from the country based on the principle of departure, the Thailand Chinese teaching materials in the language of common sense point, national conditions and exercises this several aspects to discuss the analysis. Initially, their comprehensive analysis of these data, Chinese language teaching materials to a new generation of Thai Western writing put forward the concept, from the two aspects of the recommendations given: on the one hand is suggestions on the curriculum of Chinese teaching materials of Western medicine; on the other hand is on the back of these textbooks written and put forward suggestions.


摘要   4-5   Abstract   5   目录   6-8   1 引言   8-16       1.1 探讨背景   8       1.2 问题的缘起   8-11       1.3 探讨近况   11-14       1.4 选题的理论意义和现实意义   14-16   2 探讨内容与措施   16-18       2.1 探讨的内容   16       2.2 探讨的措施   16-18   3 泰国中医汉语的定位以及其重要性   18-26       3.1 泰国中医汉语的定位   18-22       3.2 泰国中医汉语的重要性   22-26   4 泰国中医汉语现行教材词汇探讨   26-31       4.1 语言教学词汇选择的理论   26       4.2 中医汉语词汇选择标准的构建   26-31   5 泰国中医汉语现行教材中医文化因素探讨   31-33       5.1 语言与文化功能相结合理论概述   31       5.2 中医汉语教材与中医文化   31-33   6 泰国中医汉语现行教材国别化探讨   33-38       6.1 国别化教材的定义   33       6.2 国别化教材编写的相关理论   33-34       6.3 《汉语教程》国别化略论   34-38   7 对新一代泰国中医汉语教材的构想   38-41       7.1 对泰国中医汉语教学课程设置的构想   38       7.2 对新一代泰国中医汉语教材撰写构想   38-41   8 结语   41-43   致谢   43-45   参考文献   45-48   附录一   48-49   附录二   49-50  
