
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

1970年以来前往泰国中国新移民探讨一以潮汕新移民为例Since the 1970's to Thailand Chinese new immigrants study in Chaoshan new immigrants as an example




The new immigration research has become a hot research of international chinese. Since the 1970s since went to Southeast Asian Chinese new immigrants near the number is far less than went to East flourishing nation new immigrants, the current new immigrants near study is to oriental country in the Chinese new immigrants nearly as the research object, such as the United States, Japan, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Britain, Russia and other. Compare to compare of Southeast Asian Chinese new immigrants study the near done less. Research capital (including material and researchers) is an absolute lack of. In this sense this research on the northwest Asia new immigrant research is just a task. This paper is Southeast Asia new shift plain near the research department, the Thai Chinese new immigrants near briefly stop the preliminary data collection, the reorganization and the analysis. Besides "Introduction" and "conclusion", this paper contains five chapters, "preface" section discusses the significance of this paper, concept definition, literature review and framework of the thesis. The first chapter "immigration practice", this paper briefly introduces the amiable near several general knowledge of the displacement; by Chinese scholars introduced Oriental immigration actual; I the quintessence of Chinese culture in new immigrants in recent research is used the population migration. In the second chapter, "the Chinese immigrants in Thailand's history clue, according to the order of time discusses each era Chinese immigration Thailand nearly the basic conditions of sequential Sukhothai dynasty era, the era of big city Dynasty, swallow Wu Dynasty, Bangkok Dynasty and 1918 to 1970 in early times. The third chapter "since the 1970s, went to Thailand China immigration", from the Thai public law to shift the plain near the qualifications and expatriate assignments allow delineation of speaking, expounds the Thailand China new shift plain near the types and they went to Thailand all opportunities, it is important to all kinds of illegal immigration opportunities. The fourth chapter "since the reform and opening up Chinese immigration nearly reason in Thailand in Chaoshan region of immigration, for example", from shifting folk history and immigrant culture influence, immigration nearly collected effect, trade and migration of plain near the interaction, and migration in the process of traffic state, migration cost, earn a living space of existence in China and Thailand in terms of the actual conditions, since the 1970s discourse from China to Thailand's shift plain near continuous motion to stop the reason. The fifth chapter "Chinese new immigrants nearly to the Thai society brought about by the impact, the article discusses the Chinese new immigrants near to Thai society brings positive effects and negative effects. Thailand society of Chinese new immigrants occurred some negative opinions and new immigrants and the relationship between the old immigrants. "Conclusion" sector is important in the summary, on the basis of the above five parts in the Chinese authorities to new immigration plain near the management and service aspects of profound proposals put forward.

