
资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-23

泰国职业学校汉语综合课教学设计探讨一以攀空商业技术学院为例A study on the teaching design of Chinese comprehensive course in vocational schools in Thailand




In recent years, along with China sent to Thailand's Chinese teacher volunteers is increasing gradually, the position of the Chinese in Thailand slowly rising, Chinese in Thailand is becoming a and English emphasizes the important foreign language. In Thailand, more and more schools offer Chinese courses, occupation school also began offering Chinese courses. And the author in climbing up to the sky the tricks of the trade school for a period of almost a year of teaching in the process of invention while Chinese courses retreat vocational schools launched like a raging fire. However because of the character of the Thai vocational schools and students themselves, Chinese comprehensive course teaching result actually not fantasy. The author through the experience of teaching in Thailand, to Thailand vocational schools, the characteristics, and the Chinese teaching teaching request, teaching content understanding and Mr. reaction views put forward vocational schools in Thailand Chinese comprehensive course teaching design research. This paper gives a brief introduction of Chinese as a foreign language teaching practical design. On this basis, analysis of Chinese as a foreign language in the course of teaching practical design, and referred to the task-based teaching practice, desire based on the actual design of comprehensive teaching movement. And I place the school as an example, introduces the present situation of Chinese teaching at Thailand occupation school and later, and summed up the Thailand occupation school education characteristic of mr.. In Thailand occupation school teaching situation background, teaching activities through the process of learning to design characteristics of Mr. Chinesecomprehensive, thus opening up the teaching result of fantasy. This paper initially in task-based teaching method theoretical guidance, to true in the course of teaching design case "experiencing Chinese" - the Bangkok tomorrow some degree, for example classroom design movement, to discuss detailed classroom the teaching practice based on the implement situation and teaching effect evaluation, and through point out the compulsory teaching of the lack of local and improved methods of the detailed process of teaching design. In this paper, by the real process of teaching examples to discuss how united foreign Chinese teaching of integrated curriculum design actual pointing us in Thai and Chinese teaching mission and desire to sponsor some other foreign language teaching task and researchers.


摘要   3-4   Abstract   4-5   一、引言   8-10       (一) 探讨背景及意义   8       (二) 探讨近况   8-9       (三) 探讨内容和措施   9-10   二、对外汉语综合课教学设计理论   10-13       (一) 对外汉语教学设计理论   10           1. 对外汉语教学设计   10           2. 对外汉语课堂教学设计   10       (二) 对外汉语综合课教学设计的理论基础   10-11       (三) 任务型教学法理论   11-13   三、泰国职业学校汉语教学情况和学生特点--以攀空商业技术学院为例   13-16       (一) 泰国职业学校的特点和基本情况   13-14       (二) 当前泰国职业学校汉语教学情况   14-15       (三) 泰国职业学生的特点   15-16           1. 泰国职业学生的学习需求   15           2. 泰国职业学生的学习特点   15-16   四、泰国职业学校汉语综合课教学的前端略论及整体设计   16-22       (一) 泰国职业学校汉语综合课的教学前端略论   16-18           1. 教学对象略论   16-17           2. 教学内容具体略论   17-18       (二) 制定教学目标   18       (三) 制定教学策略,激发学生汉语学习的兴趣   18-21           1. 设计课堂教学环节   18-19           2. 应用灵活多变的教学措施与技巧,激发学生兴趣   19-20           3. 选择合适的教学媒体,提高教学效率   20-21       (四) 泰国职业学校汉语综合课课堂教学效果评价   21-22   五、泰国职业学校汉语综合课课堂教学设计具体案例—《体验汉语-初中版》《曼谷今天多少度》   22-26       (一) 《曼谷今天多少度》的总体教学设计思路--以任务型教学为例   22-24       (二) 课堂教学效果略论   24       (三) 任务型教学模式在泰国职业学校汉语综合课课堂实施中的不足与改进   24-26   六、结语   26-27   注释   27-28   参考文献   28-30   致谢   30-31  
