汉语词汇教学不成功案例略论一以泰国清莱皇家大学初中级留学生为例Chinese vocabulary teaching is not successful case analysis to a Royal University of Thailand Rai junior grade students for an example 摘要:(摘要内容经过系统自动伪原创处理以避免复制,下载原文正常,内容请直接查看目录。) 跟着对外汉语事业的疾速成长,愈来愈多的汉语教导任务者开端存眷了对外汉语教授教养任务,特殊是辞汇教授教养的研究,他们可以或许无意识地运用辞汇实际不雅察和剖析留先生辞汇进修中存在的成绩,并停止体系研究,得出很有价值的研究结果,是以,在对外汉语教授教养中,我们要弄好辞汇教授教养,必需联合汉语辞汇教授教养本身的特色和对外汉语辞汇教授教养的特色,在教授教养中赓续探究,掌握更好的辞汇教授教养办法、准绳,来进步对外汉语辞汇教授教养的质量。本篇论文是在后人对汉语辞汇教授教养研究结果的基本上,泰语论文网站,联合笔者亲自阅历的教授教养现实情形,来剖析本身在汉语辞汇教授教养中存在的缺乏和缺点,并能从中给对外汉语教授教养界的同仁们供给些许的启示和有价值的自创。本文重要采取教室案例的情势,在同仁对对外汉语辞汇教授教养的办法、准绳研究的基本上,针对初中级程度泰国留先生汉语辞汇习得情形,泰语论文范文,剖析笔者汉语辞汇教授教养不胜利的缘由和改良对策。论文重要分为五个部门:1、绪言部门引见了选题启事、对外汉语辞汇教授教养研究现状、研究目标与意义、研究办法、研究对象。2、引见了对外汉语教授教养的办法和准绳,而且针对分歧先生汉语程度分离引见初中级对外汉语教授教养的办法和准绳。3、联合本身教授教养理论的详细情形剖析了四个不胜利汉语辞汇教授教养案例。4、提出了针对不胜利汉语辞汇教授教养案例存在的本源及响应的改良对策,和对对外汉语教授教养的作用,并提出本身论文的缺乏。5、是结语部门,对本文的重要内容停止总结,提出本论文汉语辞汇教授教养不成案例对对外汉语辞汇教授教养具有自创意义和参考价值,并对本篇论文存在的缺乏做了解释。 Abstract: With the rapid development of Chinese industry, more and more Chinese educators began to pay attention to the foreign language teaching task, teaching research department of special words, they may unconsciously use vocabulary actual observation and analysis of students vocabulary learning problems, and stop the system, that is the valuable research results, so in foreign language teaching, we should make vocabulary teaching, vocabulary teaching must be combined with Chinese own characteristics and foreign language vocabulary teaching characteristics, explore continuously in the teaching, better grasp the vocabulary teaching methods and principles, to progress Foreign Language Teaching Department of speech quality. This thesis is in the descendants of the Chinese vocabulary teaching and research results basically, the author personally experience teaching the reality of the situation, to analyze the itself in Chinese vocabulary teaching in the presence of lack and disadvantages, and from to foreign language teaching circles colleagues to supply some enlightenment and value of their own. The important take case classroom situation, in Tongren on Chinese speech exchange teaching way and principle research, in Thailand, the junior high school level left Mr. Chinese speech vocabulary acquisition situation, the analysis of the Chinese rhetoric teaching exchange not victory of reason and improvement measures. The important points for five departments: 1, introduction Department introduced the selected topic reason, Chinese as a foreign language speech Department of teaching and research current situation, research goal and significance, research methods, research object. 2, introduced the foreign language teaching methods and principles, but also for the degree of separation of the Chinese middle and secondary foreign language teaching methods and principles. 3, combined with the theory of teaching, the detailed analysis of the case of four unsuccessful Chinese vocabulary teaching case. 4, this paper puts forward the improvement measures for the origin and response of the teaching case of the unsuccessful Chinese words, and the influence on the teaching of Chinese as a foreign language, and puts forward the lack of the thesis. 5, is the conclusion part, the important content of the summary, proposed the Chinese speech teaching sink is not a case of Chinese as a foreign language vocabulary teaching has own significance and reference value, and the existence of the lack of explanations. 目录: 摘要 3-4 Abstract 4 一、绪言 7-10 1.1 选题缘由 7 1.2 探讨近况 7-8 1.3 探讨目的与意义 8-9 1.4 探讨措施 9 1.5 探讨对象 9-10 二、对外汉语教学中初中级汉语词汇教学的准则、措施 10-18 2.1 初中级汉语词汇的教学准则 10-13 2.1.1 初级汉语词汇的教学准则 12 2.1.2 中级汉语词汇的教学准则 12-13 2.2 初中级汉语词汇的教学措施 13-18 2.2.1 初级汉语词汇的教学措施 13-15 2.2.2 中级汉语词汇的教学措施 15-18 三、初中级泰国留学生汉语词汇教学实践中的不成功案例和略论 18-32 3.1 初中级泰国留学生汉语词汇教学要求 18-21 3.1.1 教学对象 18-20 3.1.2 开设的课程名称 20 3.1.3 选用教材 20 3.1.4 教学目的和要求 20-21 3.2 汉语词汇教学不成功案例和略论 21-32 3.2.1 基本义和引申义词语不成功的案例和略论 21-23 3.2.2 近义词辨析的不成功案例和略论 23-26 3.2.3 同义词辨析的不成功案例和略论 26-29 3.2.4 抽象意义词语的不成功案例和略论 29-32 四、初中级泰国留学生汉语词汇教学不成功案例的反思 32-37 4.1 汉语词汇教学不成功案例的根源及改进对策 32-35 4.1.1 基本义和引申义词语不成功案例的根源及改进对策 32-33 4.1.2 近义词辨析不成功案例的根源及改进对策 33-34 4.1.3 同义词辨析不成功案例的根源及改进对策 34-35 4.1.4 抽象意义词语不成功案例的根源及改进对策 35 4.2 初中级汉语词汇教学不成功案例对对外汉语词汇教学的作用 35-37 五、结语 37-38 参考文献 38-40 致谢 40 |