摘要:泰国混凝土技术发展概况在泰国,因为钢结构的价格较高、设计人员对混凝土结构较熟练、习惯且对抗震的要求不高,建筑领域以钢筋混凝土结构为主。泰国的水泥产量基本上可以满足国内的需求。在掺合材料方面,正在努力使粉煤灰在水泥中获得更广泛的运用。在外加剂方面,凡A... Abstract:General situation of development of concrete technology in Thailand in Thailand, because of the higher prices of steel structure, design personnel to concrete structure is more skilled, habits and on seismic requirements is not high, the construction field to the reinforced concrete structure based. Thailand's cement production can basically meet the needs of the country. In the aspect of blending materials, it is trying to make more extensive application of fly ash in cement. In terms of admixture, where A... 引言:泰国混凝土技术发展概况在泰国,因为钢结构的价格较高、设计人员对混凝土结构较熟练、习惯且对抗震的要求不高,建筑领域以钢筋混凝土结构为主。泰国的水泥产量基本上可以满足国内的需求。在掺合材料方面,泰语毕业论文,正在努力使粉煤灰在水泥中获得更广泛的运用。在外加剂方面,泰语论文,凡AS |