汉语副词“都”与泰语副词“LUAN”的比较 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:覃冬冬[1] Dongdong Qin ( Faculty of Liberal Arts, Mahidol University, Nakhon Pathom 73170, Thailand )


出  处:《广西青年干部学院学报》2017年第2期81-84,共4页Journal of Guangxi Youth Leaders College(Journal of Guangxi Teenager's Research Association)

摘  要:副词教学在外国学生的语言习得过程中占据着重要又特殊的位置,是学习的难点和重点。在众多的语言偏误中,副词偏误占很大的比例。汉语范围副词"都"与泰语概数副词"luan"看似相同,实则有同有异,只有了解了"都"与"luan"的差异,才能从根本上区分它们,避免使用偏误的出现。Adverb plays an important and special role in language acquisition for foreign students. It is also important but difficult for them. Adverb errors account for the most among the language errors. It seems that the Chinese adverb "DOU(all)" is the same as the Thai adverb "luan". However, in fact, they have similarities and differences. Only by fully understanding the similarities and differences of "DOU" and "luan" can they be fundamentally distinguished in order to avoid errors.
