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从泰语的日常用语看泰国的等级观 [泰语论文]

资料分类免费泰语论文 责任编辑:Anchali更新时间:2017-06-24

作  者:韦尹璇[1] WEI Yin-xuan (Department of Minority Language Literature,Central University for Nationalities,Beijing 100081,China)


出  处:《楚雄师范学院学报》2017年第7期 36-39,共4页journal of chuxiong normal university

摘  要:泰国,人们由于身份和地位等的不同而使用不同的日常用语,这种语言现象显示了他们独特的等级观念。笔者从性别、年龄、阶层、地位等方面来略论泰语中日常用语的使用情况,并解释这种语言现象,以期为跨文化交际提供一些借鉴。People use different daily speech due to different status and positions in Thailand.This linguistic phenomenon shows their unique concept of status.From the perspectives of gender,age,class,status and other aspects,the paper analyses the use of Thai daily speech and explains this phenomenon,so as to provide references for cross-cultural communication.

关 键 词:泰语 日常用语 等级观 
