
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:范晓露 Fan Xiao-lu;School of Foreign Languages, Hunan University of Technology


出  处:《佳木斯职业大学学报》2017年第3期390-391,393共3页Journal of Jiamusi Vocational Institute

基  金:2017年湖南省教改探讨项目阶段性成果之一,课题编号:湘教通[2017]291号,序号312

摘  要:随着经济全球化的发展,各大高校日语系对商务日语翻译课程的重视程度越来越高。但是当前国内日语教学使用商务日语翻译教材却极其缺失,甚至限制了商务日语系的正常发展。使用日本经济小说作为商务日语翻译教材的案例更为少见。本文从经济小说这一广阔的文学领域中选取了各个时代的较为典型的著作,以部分典型例子作为考察对象,通过经济小说的场景、术语等内容进行略论,从而考察其用作商务日语翻译教材的优点及注意事项。以期为商务日语翻译教学内容的选择、教材编写等提供参考。With the development of economic globalization, Business Japanese Translation is getting more and more important. But nowadays the teaching materials for Business Japanese Translation are rather limited, which even limits the normal development of business Japanese majors. The use of the Japanese economy novel as a textbook is rare. This paper selects some typical works as the object of study, analyzes the scene and terms of the economy novels, and investigates the advantages and precautions when used as the textbooks of Business Japanese Translation, in order to provide reference for the textbook compiling and teaching of Business Japanese Translation.

键 词:经济小说 商务日语 教材编写 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
