作 者:王秀梅 于慧丽 机构地区:青岛工大学,山东青岛266300 出 处:《高教学刊》2017年第20期127-128,共2页Journal Of Higher Education 基 金:青岛工大学2017年度董事长科研资助基金项目(编号:2017JY017)“日语N1能力考试非听解部分与高级日语精读课程的互补探讨”探讨成果 摘 要:高级日语课程是为日语系本科三年级学生所设的专业课程,而国际N1考试作为一个社会性能力测试对三年级学生也有着就业和实践能力检验的双重意义。学生准备N1考试的时期与他们进行高级日语课程的时间段正好重合,如果能将二者结合起来,让高级日语课程成为学生准备N1考试的良好辅助,想必学生会受益良多。文章以教学实践为基础,从N1题型特点出发,综合略论两者结合的可能性,并摸索考试规律,研讨如何在高级日语课堂上对学生进行正确的引导。Advanced Japanese is a course set for juniors majoring in Japanese and the international N1 test is a kind of socialability test which has double meanings in examining employment ability and practical ability of juniors.Since the preparing time for N1 test coincides with the time of learning advanced Japanese, advanced Japanese can be an excellent assistant method for N1 test and it will be beneficial for students to connect them. Based on teaching practice, and associated with the characteristics of N1 test, this paper makes analysis on the possibilities of the connection, explores certain test rules and discusses how to guide students properly in advanced Japanese lessons. 关 键 词:考试技巧 分 类 号:G642[文化科学—高等教育学;文化科学—教育学] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |