
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:马文津 施春宏[2] Ma Wenjin,日语毕业论文,Shi Chunhong

机构地区:[1]香港中文学院中国语言及文学系 [2]北京语言学院语言科大学

出  处:《世界汉语教学》2017年第4期513-530,共18页Chinese Teaching in the World

基  金:国家社科基金项目(15BYY001)、国家社科基金重大招标项目(12&ZD175); 国家语委“十二五”科研规划2017年度重点项目(ZDI125-39)的支持

摘  要:本文借鉴自然语言信息处理领域的标点句理论和讨论意合机制时关注的"整句-零句"理论的基本理念,将其结合起来研讨汉语中介语"整句—零句"篇章系统的建构阶段及特征。本文从"HSK动态作文语料库"中选取样本,对整句、零句(包括在境零句和离境零句)的正确输出和偏误情况进行了分层次、分阶段的考察。文章发现,在境零句是组织堆栈结构、构建篇章的难点与关键,学习者经历了整句优先、不同性质零句非同步习得并逐步完善这样一个阶段大体分明但又交互递进的过程,篇章表达系统的构建过程表现为"起步—发展—优化—拓展"四个阶段,这是句法和语用互动影响的结果。本项探讨为进一步拓展汉语中介语篇章习得探讨的领域和措施提供了一个新的考察视角。This article attempts to discuss learners' text acquisition issues based on the Punctuation Clause theory in natural language processing and the full-minor sentence theory used for the discussion of paratactic principles.It describes both the overall and the specific performances of L2 learners in their text production,and probes into the text building phases and properties.For this purpose,a specimen from HSK Dynamic Composition Corpus has been selected at random to observe correct outputs as well as errors of full sentences and minor sentences(including minor sentences in context and independent of context).The study shows that minor sentences in context would be the key and difficult points for learners to organize stack structures and build the entire text system.During the acquisition process,full sentences normally take precedence while different kinds

关 键 词:中介语 标点句 

分 类 号:H0-05[语言文字—语言学]
