
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李雨璨[1] Li Yucan


出  处:《科教文汇》2017年第29期172-173,192共3页

摘  要:在学习日语时,日语毕业论文,我们常常会在词形、发音、重音、语法、书写等方面,碰到同一个词语有多种形态或是念法并存共用的现象,这便是日语的摇摆(日本語のゆれ①)。这些不稳定的摇摆没有一定的规律,也增加了我们学习的负担,日语论文,但这些摇摆同样也增加了我们想要深入了解日语的兴趣,使得日语学习不再枯燥无聊。日语书写中有许多的摇摆(表記のゆれ),同一个词语有多种正确的书写方式,每一种书写方式其实都带有语感,给日语的阅读带来不同的乐趣。那么首先了解日语书写摇摆很有必要,了解其的判断、种类及原因,同时了解其他种类的摇摆,以便全面地了解日语的摇摆。In Japanese learning, we will often encounter the situ-ation that one word has various forms or pronunciations in word form, pronunciation, accentuation, grammar, writing and so on, and they are all in use, which is the dissimilation of Japanese (日本語のゆれ①). These unstable dissimilations have no rule, in-creasing the burdens on our learning, but it is these dissimilations that enhance our interest in further learning about Japanese and make Japanese learning more interesting. There are many dis-similations (表記のゆれ) in Japanese writing, and the same word has several kinds of correct forms of writing, and in fact, each form of writing has its sense of language, bringing different de-lights to Japanese reading. It is necessary to learn about the dis-silimation of Japanese writing first, including learning about its judgment, types and causes, and meanwhile it is also important to learn about other types of dissimilation, so as to comprehensively learn about the dissimilation of Japanese.

关 键 词:摇摆 书写 文字体系 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
