
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:李光泽[1] LI Guang-ze;School of Foreign Languages, Inner Mongolian University for Nationalities;


出  处:《民族高等教育探讨》2017年第2期70-73,93共5页Research on Higher Education of Nationalities

基  金:内蒙古民族学院社会科学探讨项目“蒙古族学院生日语学习策略探讨”(NMD1245);内蒙古民族学院高等教育科学探讨基金资助项目“蒙古族学院生日语习得中的语言迁移现象探讨”(项目编号:MDYB2017008)

摘  要:关于蒙古族学生而言,他们的日语学习必然会受到母语和汉语的迁移作用。尤其是母语的负迁移作用一直是困扰语言探讨者和学习者的疑难问题,它甚至已经成为蒙古族学生学习日语的主要障碍。围绕蒙日语法的差异,对蒙古族学生在学习过程中出现的负迁移现象进行略论,理论结合实践,以不同阶段的学习者的学习实例为基础阐述语言迁移,试图找到蒙古族学生在学习日语过程中形成的这种负迁移现象的原因,并提出相应的教学对策和学习方案,以期提高教师的教学效果,帮助蒙古族学生更好地掌握学习日语的措施。As far as Mongolian students are concerned, their Japanese learning is bound to be affected by mother tongue and the migration of Chinese language. Especially the negative transfer influence of mother tongue has always been a difficult problem for language researchers and learners, it even has become a major obstacle to the Mongolian students studying Japanese. Based on the grammar similarities and differences between Japanese and Mongolian, and the various stages of the learners' learning instance on language transfer, the paper analyses the negative transfer phe-nomenon in Mongolian students’learning process, and combines the theory with practice, tries to find out the causes of the negative transfer phenomenon in Mongolian students’Japanese learning process, and puts forward the corre-sponding teaching strategies and learning solutions, so as to enhance teachers’teaching effect, help the Mongolian students to master Japanese learning method better.

关 键 词:蒙古族 日语习得 负迁移 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
