
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:单文垠[1] SHAN Wen-yin (School of Foreign Languages, Beijing Language University, Beijing 100083, China)


出  处:《贵州师范学院学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期156-160,共5页Journal of Guizhou Normal University:Social Science

基  金:“北京高等学校青年英才计划”“Beijing Higher Education Young Elite Teacher Project”支持;北京语言学院校级科研项目(中央高校基本科研业务专项资金资助),项目编号为09QN07

摘  要:言语行为理论认为,道歉是典型的情感表达言语行为道歉的生成及理解过程,即某种情感态度表达的过程。本文旨在通过略论语料库中检索到的日语道歉实例,解读并归纳其情感态度表达的类型。探讨显示:除了普遍存在于不同文化语境下的后悔,日语道歉还存在罪恶感、耻感、不安、娇宠①**等多种情感态度,且不同情感态度的表达会作用判断该道歉是真诚的道歉,还是工具式的道歉。According to speech act theory,apology is a typical expression of emotion speech acts. The process of apology generation and understanding is the process to express certain emotional attitudes. This paper aims to analyze Japanese apology examples from corpus in order to conclude the types of emotion attitudes: in addition to regrets common in different cultural contexts,guilt,shame,social anxiety,AMAE and other emotional attitudes can be found in Japanese apology. The emotion expressions and attitudes will influence the judgment of whether it is sincere apology or instrumental apology.

关 键 词:日语道歉行为 情感态度 道歉策略 叙事部分 

分 类 号:G7[文化科学—教育学]
