
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:单文垠[1] Shan Wenyin


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第2期45-52,共8页

基  金:北京语言学院青年自主科研支持计划资助项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)(11JBB034)的成果;“教育部特色专业项目支持”的资助~~

摘  要:本文以日语道歉行为为探讨对象,日语毕业论文,从“言语事件”的视角出发,把道歉视为会话参与者间若干话轮构成的动态的言语行为。文章具体从道歉的策略、道歉行为的事件对象、道歉行为参与者的情感态度三个层面进行了考察,结果显示,日语毕业论文,日常生活中纷繁复杂的道歉行为可以大体归纳为“真正意义的道歉”、“工具式的道歉”、“形式上的道歉”三大类。“言语事件”的探讨视角,不仅可以帮助我们重新梳理道歉行为并完整地呈现道歉言语行为在日汉两种语言中的全貌,同时对展开日汉道歉行为的对比探讨也有着积极的意义。This paper aims to study apologies in Japanese under the framework of speech event by exploring the panorama of apologies in daily conversations and probing into the similarities and differences of apologies in Japanese and Chinese. The framework of "speech event" includes five components, "utterance", "the participant of utterance", "dynamic interaction", "situation" and "emotions of the participant". The results show that there are three patterns of apologies-- "real apologies", "implemental apologies" and "formal apologies" in daily conversation, and the similarities and differences of apologies in Japanese and Chinese are illustrated in the paper. The visual angle of "speech event" can not only deepen the cognition and understanding of apologies in Japanese and Chinese, but also help to repair the injured relationship.

关 键 词:言语事件 事件对象 道歉策略 情感态度 

分 类 号:H315.9[语言文字—英语]
