
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:盛文渊[1] Sheng Wenyuan (Female) Lecturer at Zhejiang International Studies University


出  处:日语学习与探讨》2017年第6期35-41,共7页

基  金:浙江省“钱江人才计划”C类项目择优资助项目《中介语动态发展过程-以日语名词修饰句为中心》,浙江省高校重点学科“外国语言学及运用语言学”建设项目的阶段性探讨成果之一]

摘  要:日语名词修饰句中动词定语的「ル」形和「タ」形可以表示“时(テンス)”、“体(アスペク)”及“非时态”等多种语法意义。本文通过对学习者和本族语语料库的对比,发现这些意义在中介语和目的语的使用分布情况基本相同,但“形容词性”的「タ」形还存在着分歧。对学习者习得过程进行略论后发现「ル」形和「タ」形的习得过程并没有呈现对称性,「ル」形的“非时态”意义较易习得,而「タ」形的“非时态”意义却较难习得。究其原因,这一现象和句末语法规则的适用联系有关。学习者能较早掌握与句末语法规则一致的意义,而与句末语法规则不同的意义则较难习得。The morphemes "Ru" and "Ta" in Japanese noun-modifying clauses have various grammatical meanings such as non-time, tense and aspect meanings. According to a comparative study of the learners' corpus and native corpus, it is found that the uses of"Ru" and "Ta" are roughly the same, but there is a difference in the use of the "adjective Ta". An analysis is made based on learners' acquisition process. The result reveals that the acquisition processes of"Ru" and "Ta" are asymmetric. The non-time meaning of"Ru" is easy to acquire, but "Ta" is difficult. The reason is related to the grammatical rule in a simple sentence. It is easier for learners to master a meaning which is consistent with simple sentences than one which is different from simple sentences.

关 键 词:名词修饰句 「ル」形和「タ」形 时态 句末语法规则 

分 类 号:H030[语言文字—语言学]
