
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:田苗[1] TIAN Miao


出  处:《湖北广播电视学院学报》2017年第11期 100-101,共2页Journal of Hubei Radio& Televisonuniversity

摘  要:日语教学较为普及的今天,语音教学仍然没有得到足够的重视,而语音学习是语言学习的第一步。由于日语和汉语语音体系不同,日语中有些发音对中国日语学习者来说格外困难。在日语学习的初级阶段,容易混淆的往往是"が行"鼻浊音和"な行"音、"し"和"ひ"的发音、"す"和"つ"的发音等等,本文拟对这些发音难点进行略论,并就如何正确区分掌握等问题展开讨论。Despite of the prevailing Japanese language teaching,the pronunciation part hasn't caught its deservingly enough attention,though it is the very first step we make in learning a language.Because of the differences in phonetic systems between Chinese and Japanese,Japanese learners in China will find it particularly tough with certain pronunciations during the process,especially when they are at the early stage,it's hard for them to distinguish between the nasal articulations from "がline "and articulations from"な"line,"し"and"ひ","す"and"つ",etc.The current paper tries to make an analysis of the difficulties in pronunciation and a discussion about the right method in distinction and learning.

关 键 词:日语 语音 发音难点 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
