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资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:张劲松[1,2] 王祖燕[1] ZHANG Jinsong1,2 , WANG Zuyan1 (1. Center for Studies of Chinese as a Second Language, Beijiug Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China; 2. College of Information Science, Beijing Language and Culture University, Beijing 100083, China)

机构地区:[1]北京语言学院对外汉语探讨中心,北京100083 [2]北京语言学院信息科学大学,北京100083

出  处:《清华学院学报:自然科学版》2017年第2期164-169,共6页Journal of Tsinghua University(Science and Technology)

基  金:国家自然科学基金项目(61175019);北京语言学院梧桐创新平台项目(中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助)(16PT05)

摘  要:学习汉语普通话的日语母语者普遍存在着难以分辨汉语前后鼻韵母的问题。为了揭示他们与汉语母语者前后鼻韵母知觉机制的差异,根据鼻韵母3段划分--元音、鼻化元音及鼻韵尾,日语毕业论文,利用拼接合成语音样本的措施,合成出包含不同成分的语音样本来探讨两类人群的鼻韵母知觉分辨特点。实验结果表明:鼻化元音段对汉语母语被试判断鼻音类型起决定影响,日语毕业论文,对日语母语者却不是。缺少鼻化元音段时,元音段对中日被试感知鼻韵母的作用相似:元音段的声学异同越大,两类被试判断鼻韵母类型的准确率都越高。该探讨结果不仅增进了对汉语鼻韵母知觉特点的认识,也有助于改进对日学生的鼻韵母语音教学。Japanese natives often have difficulties discriminating between the Chinese alveolar and velar finals. The perceptual differences between Japanese and Chinese natives are studied using different speech stimuli synthesized by concatenating speech segments including the vowel, the nasalized vowel and the nasal coda in different ways for use in a series of sound discriminating experiments. The results show that the nasalized vowels play key roles in cueing Chinese subjects to judge the nasal coda but have less effect for Japanese subjects. When the nasalized vowel portions are missing, the vowel nuclei have similar influences on the perceptions of the Chinese and Japanese. Larger acoustic differences between the vowel nuclei for alveolar/velar pairs enable both the Chinese and Japanese subjects to more accurately distinguish them. These findings can clarify the perceptual cues for Chinese nasal finals and will lead to more efficient methods to teach Chinese to Japanese students.

关 键 词:鼻韵母 感知 元音稳定段 鼻化元音 日本学生 

分 类 号:H116.2[语言文字—汉语] H193.2[语言文字—汉语]
