
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:冯金金[1] 陈永捷[1] 李海伟[1] 中野美知子 

机构地区:[1]上海交通学院 [2]早稻田学院

出  处:《中国外语》2017年第2期62-74,共13页

摘  要:本文探讨了60名英语学习者在现代信息技术支持的跨国联合英语课堂中交互时的习取现象,探究在计算机辅助交流环境下,中国学院生(31名)是否对学伴(29名母语为日语及菲律宾语的学院生)互动反馈做出不同的回应,该回应是否促进被试目标词汇不同程度的习取与习得。60名学生(均分15组)协作完成双向信息差拼图任务、同话题讨论及不定话题自由交流等三项任务。结果表明,习取多发生在母语不同的学院生间,但无显著异同;中国学院生在不同习取时机(P〈.01)及不同交互任务(P〈.001)中采用不同的习取策略。拼图任务激发的习取策略及数量最多。在拼图任务中,中国学院生完成含目标词的词汇前测、后测及一周延后测,结果表明,前测与后测及一周延后测均有显著异同(P〈.001)。此探讨显示,在基于网络的跨国合作教学模式下,不同母语的学院生在跨文化实时远程交互时有不同程度的习取现象发生,中国学院生习得目标词汇得到促进。The study investigated uptakes among 31 Chinese tertiary students in a cross-cultural synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC) environment with 29 English learners of a different native language. The purpose is to verify if SCMC can help Chinese students notice, take up and finally acquire target vocabulary. 60 subjects in 15 groups worked collaboratively on a jigsaw task, a set-topic discussion task and a free topic discussion task. The results reveal that uptakes occur more frequently among English learners with a different native language, but the difference is not statistically significant. The research shows that Chinese tertiary students use significantly different uptake timing (immediate or deferred uptake) across different uptake strategies (P〈0.01). The test substantiates that Chinese tertiary students use statistically different uptake strategies among the three tasks, with the highest incidence of uptakes in the jigsaw task (P〈0.01), in which, a pre-test, immediate post-test, and a one-week postponed test of target vocabulary were conducted. Significant difference exists between pre-test and post-test (P〈0.01), and pre- test and one week delayed post test (P〈0.01). The investigation indicates that cross-cultural SCMC setting can promote more incidences of uptakes among non-native speakers with different L1 in jigsaw task, and it successfully facilitates Chinese students' L2 vocabulary acquisition.

关 键 词:中国学院生 

分 类 号:H319[语言文字—英语]
