
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:黄芳 Huang Fang;Shanghai University of Business and Economics;


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第2期98-104,共7页

摘  要:安吾新日本地理》乃日本"无赖派"作家坂口安吾战后的创新之作。该系列随笔从微观地理角度细察日本山川里巷的纹理,从宏观角度反思其间的历史掌故。从微观到宏观,从地理到历史--坂口安吾借用"地理(著名的景观符号)",通过以点带面的随笔叙述方式,来解构其间负载的日本既定"历史(记纪神话)",从而在"文学"与"地理""历史"之间觅得一个巧妙的平衡点,带给读者全新的阅读感受。The New Japanese Geology is a creative work of Ango Sakaguchi, a writer of "the rogue faction" after the Second World War. The series of essays observe the mountains and streets of Japan from a micro view while reflecting on historic anecdotes from a macro point. From the micro to the macro, geology to history, Ango Sakaguchi narrates in a way that can illustrate a certain "history(mythology)" linked with the idea of "geology"(i.e. well- known attractions), and seeks an artful balance between literature and "geology", as well as "history". Readers, therefore, can experience something totally different in his works.

关 键 词:文学 地理 历史 景观 文体 

分 类 号:I206.7[文学—中国文学]
