
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:秦明吾 Qin Mingwu;Guangdong University of Foreign Studies South China Business College;


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期90-97,共8页

基  金:2017年广东省本科高校教学质量与教学改革工程立项建设项目“日语系综合改革试点”(项目编号:SJ-SDZT2017-001);2017年广东省普通高校省级重大科研项目“民办高校小语种专业建设的探究”(项目编号:2017WZDXM043)

摘  要:众所周知,在日本使用的汉字当中,除了从中国大量输入的汉字之外,还有一些汉字是日本人自己创造出来的。有一些通常在中国不被使用的观念或事物,无法用汉字书写表达,于是乎,日本人就根据汉代许慎六书之一的"会意"(用两个或两个以上汉字的意思组合成一个新的汉字)创造出了日本的独特汉字。例如,"木神"字表示供奉神灵的树木;"山上下"字表示上山路和下山路的交叉部分等。这些汉字被日本人称为"国字"或者"和制汉字"。国字字数说法不一,日本学者新井白石所著《同文通考》列出了81个国字,而日本学者伴直方在『国字考』中共列出126个国字。由于这些国字大多数在中国汉字中并不存在,所以中文读音和翻译成了一大难题,虽然人们约定俗成地按这些国字的偏旁部首的一部分来读取,但这不能解决所有问题,甚至出现了一些谬误。本探讨常用的22个国字为对象,拟在先行探讨的基础上,力图厘清它们的汉语读音汉语翻译。It is known to all that a great many characters used in Japan were introduced from China, but some of them were created by the Japanese themselves. Some things and concepts that do not exist in China cannot be written or expressed with Chinese characters, so the Japanese created special characters according to the thought of associative compounds that were expressed by the scholar Xu Shen in the Han Dynasty in one of his six categories of characters(forming a character by combining two or more elements, each with a meaning of its own, to create a new meaning). For example, the Chinese character of "sakaki" is the meaning for a tree that is used for the worshiping of holy spirits and "tōge" indicates the crossed part of roads going up or down mountains. These characters are called "national characters" or "combined Chinese characters". The number of national characters is not exact; according to Japanese scholar Arai Hakuseki in the book Studies of All Characters,the number is 81, while the number given in Study of National Characters by the scholar Ban Naokata is 126. As most of these characters do not exist in the Chinese language, the pronunciation and translation of these characters have become problematic.People used the pronunciation of one part of these characters in practice, but only a part of the problem was solved and some mistakes arose from this solution. On the basis of preceding studies, this study clarifies the pronunciations and translations of the 22 most-frequently used Japanese Chinese Characters.

关 键 词:汉语翻译 

分 类 号:H166.1[语言文字—汉语]
