
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-17

作  者:仇虹 


出  处:《日语学习与探讨》2017年第3期75-82,共8页

基  金:北京外国语学院2017年度校级科研项目“日语肯定式与否定式不对称性的类型学探讨”(项目编号:2017JX002)的阶段性探讨成果;中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助

摘  要:时间从句「V‐ない前に」从意义上看,与「V‐る前に」相近,常被看作冗余否定。但是,「V‐ない前に」强调的已不再限于时间,也包括状态和条件,其中隐含着说话者的主观性评价。按照说话者对事件的主观倾向性,「V‐ない前に」在构句方面的功能可分为事实说明、积极建议、消极评价三类。关于已发生的事件多表现为事实说明的功能,关于未发生的事件说话者则从正面或反面进行积极建议或消极评价。The temporal clause "V-naimaeni" is similar to "V-rumaeni" in meaning, which is usually regarded as redundant negation. However, the emphasis of "V-naimaeni" is not only laid on time, but also on states and conditions. And it implies the subjective appraisal of the speaker. According to the speaker's subjective inclination toward an event, the syntactic function of "V-naimaeni" is classified into three types, namely, explication of the fact, positive proposal and negative appraisal. When it is related to the event which has happened, it functions to explicate the fact. When it is involved with an event which will happen,the speaker usually gives either positive or negative appraisals.

关 键 词:主观性 

分 类 号:H35[语言文字—俄语]
