作 者:陈红[1] CHEN Hong (College of Foreign Languages, Hunan Institute of Engineering, Xiangtan 411104, China) 机构地区:[1]湖南工程大学外国语大学,湖南湘潭411104 出 处:《湖南工程大学学报:社会科学版》2017年第3期60-64,共5页Journal of Hunan Institute of Engineering(Social Science Edition) 基 金:湖南工程大学2017年校级青年科研课题“汉日外来词吸收机制和动因对比探讨”(xj1123) 摘 要:语言作为文化的重要表现形式和重要载体,其发展变化必然受到文化的作用,外来词的吸收同样受到本土文化和外来文化的作用。在西方文化的冲击下,汉日外来词的吸收在数量和内容上基本相同,但在吸收方式上,与日语外来词从意译到音译的一次性转变不同,汉语外来词在经历了意译和音译的几番竞争之后以音义兼顾的形式实现了二者的和谐统一。As an important form and carrier of culture, the development of languages is inevitably iniluenced by culture. The adoption of loanwords is also influenced by both the local culture and the foreign culture. Under the impact of western cultures, the adoption of loanwords in Chinese and Japanese are essentially the same in number and content, but it's different in mode. While Japanese loanwords experienced a straightforward transform from free translation to transliteration,Chinese loanwords undergoes a sophisticated comparison and competition between free translation and transliteration before it ultimately comes to a harmonious unity combination between the two. 关 键 词:外来词 汉日对比 文化语言学 文化背景 分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语] ,日语论文,日语论文 |