
资料分类免费日语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-18

作  者:陈韵[1] CHEN Yun (School of the Japanese Language and Culture, Zhejiang Gongshang University, H angzhou 310018, China)


出  处:《湖州师范大学学报》2017年第4期 100-104,共5页Journal of Huzhou Teachers College

摘  要:汉字是中华文化的瑰宝之一,日语毕业论文,其历史悠久,并深刻地作用着周边各国。在汉字广泛传播的过程中,“韵”字也在日本传播开来。以日本岩波书店出版的《日本古典文学大系》以及中日词典等为参考资料,针对“韵”在日本的流布意义变迁情况展开探讨。探讨发现,“韵”流人日本后,其表示“风雅、情趣、气韵”等美学意义被淡化,日语论文,而表示“韵脚或押韵的字;韵母;押韵”等语音学含义被保留和发挥。The Chinese character enjoys a long history and profoundly influences its neighboring countries. In the widely spreading process of the Chinese character, the character of "yun" has also spread in Japanese. This thesis focuses on the study of the dissemination and transition of "yun" in Japanese. The author cites "Systematic Collection of Japanese Classical Literature", which is published by Japanese Iwanami Bookstore and the Sino- Japanese dictionary as references. According to these refer- ences, it is not hard to find that after the character of "yun" flowed into Japanese, its aesthetic concepts, which includes "grace, temperament and artistic conception", is gradually faded, but the phonetic mean- ings of words expressing rhymes and the final of a syllable are retained and developed.

关 键 词:韵 语义 日语 语言学概念 

分 类 号:H36[语言文字—日语]
