作 者:汪舟[1] Wang Zhou Department of Foreign Language in Leshan Teacher's College,Leshan,Sichuan 614000 机构地区:[1]乐山师范大学外国语大学,四川乐山614000 出 处:《中国科技信息》2017年第8期 240,共1页CHINA SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY INFORMATION 摘 要:当前在我国高校中,基本采用日语作为英语系学生的第二外语科目。但由于授课时间短,语言习惯与学生所学专业不同等,使得日语二外教学看似简单,实则充满难度。本文着重研讨这些问题产生的原因及解决的办法,力求通过课堂时间的教学,努力调动学生学习的积极性,并提高课堂教学效果。In resent years,Japanese is studied as a second language for the English-majoring students in Chinese collages.However,the limited class time and the students' linguistic habits lead to some difficulties for the teaching of Japanese as second language.This essay is focused on the causes of these problems and the related solutions and tries to find out the ways to motivate students and improve efficiency of class learning. 关 键 词: 分 类 号:TP391.2[自动化与计算机技术—计算机运用技术;自动化与计算机技术—计算机科学与技术] ,日语论文题目,日语论文 |