A Brief Discussion on Body Language(4)[英语论文]

资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

(7) Americans often touch their temples to express somebody’s cleverness. But this action means there is something wrong with one’s mind or one is stupid to Chinese. Chinese are often surprised to see Americans lay their hands on their necks when they are full. Because it is an suicide action to Chinese, who used to express fullness by patting their stomachs. And another example,

(8) In western culture, people stretch out one’s fore finger and swing it left and right, which signals to warn somebody not to do something. The phrase “cross one’s fingers” means blessing somebody’s good luck. The gesture of thumbing a ride signifies asking for a free ride in motor vehicle by stretching up one’s thumb. In America, people hold their thumbs and fore fingers into a circle and stretch up the other fingers, which means “OK” in America, but it means somebody is fired by boss in Japan. In China, holding up one’s thumb means good, and raising one’s litter finger means bad. But Japanese will hold up their little fingers to express one is their lover. In America, waving one’s hand means goodbye. But South Americans will not leave when they see this gesture, in turns; they will run towards you.

(9) People from English-speaking countries turn around their rings constantly to show nervousness or uneasiness. Now people from Taiwan and Hong Kong also have this gesture. But if people in the mainland of China act like this, they will be regarded they are showing off richness. It is clear to see the same gesture with different meanings in different cultures, and people from different cultures will express same meaning by different gestures. So it is necessary for us to know the cultural difference to avoid misunderstanding.

4.3 Postures  

“Posture is a matter of how people sit, walk, stand and move.”[12]同p65  What kind of posture people use also can reflect the cultural differences between east and west. “Hewes pointed out culture mostly determined what kind of postures people use and the meaning and emotion they suggested.”[13]同p35

