
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


With the development of economy and the progress of science and technology, the number of cars is on the increase, and most ordinary families have one nowadays. The industry of auto is blooming. In the fierce competition of the market, an impressive advertisement, as a brand medium covering a great deal of information, plays an important role in raising the sales volume. Based on Relevance Theory, this paper is to analyze what kind of information auto advertisements are intended to convey and how it is achieved.
Therefore, it is significant to study advertisements from the perspective of Relevance Theory, this paper based on pragmatics, and focuses on the linguistic features of auto advertisements. Readers can understand advertisements better with a knowledge of the linguistic features and devices found in the auto advertisements, which can also help copywriters create more compelling advertisements by using such devices.

Keywords: auto advertisement; relevance theory; linguistic features

摘 要:



1 Introduction
Currently, advertisements have entered our daily life with sustained growth in people’s living standards, so an increasing number of people are rich enough to own a car. To occupy the market, numbers of auto companies pay more attention to their advertising, because it can leave the first impression on the customer. Therefore, auto companies make great efforts in the auto advertisements language. Therefore, advertising language has also stimulated the interest of a great many linguistic scholars. Duan Hong has put forward the concept of the advertising from the rhetoric aspect; Wu Zhongming studies it from translation. And Zhuang Meiying studies it from the view of The Memetics. Other scholars study it from perspectives of vocabulary, rhetoric, grammar and so on. However, studies of auto advertisements from Relevance Theory are rare. Therefore, this paper analyses auto advertisements language from the perspective of Relevance Theory, which is a kind of pragmatic inference cognition process for auto advertisements. Studies of auto advertisements from this angle can help people understand them better. It can also help copywriters create more compelling advertisements by using language strategies.
