
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


关键词  英语作为亚洲通用语,英语论文,外贸邮件,语法特点

In recent years, great changes have taken place in Asia, we can see the rapid economic development of Asian countries. There will be closer trade ties in the Asia-pacific region exchanges and cooperation in the future. English will be the Asian people for the important tool of trade cooperation and exchanges. However, it is different from the traditional English as a foreign language or a second language, Asian people should learn and use English as a Lingua Franca with Asian characteristics to better promote the communication between people from different countries in Asia. This article will combine different Asian countries foreign trade mail as an example, from the perspective of English as an As Lingua Franca, analyzing the characteristics of the Asian countries trade in email exchanges grammar, which provide reference for email correspondence between Asian countries.

Keywords  English as an Asian lingua franca, foreign trade email, grammatical features

1  Introduction
1.1  Background of the research
With the development of globalization, English has become the common language of the world which plays an important role in international trade. The famous scholar David Crystal wrote a book English as A Global Language, this book reviews the history of English, describes the current situation of English. Crystal   clearly asserted: "all the signs are that the world language is English." English has been, and will continue to be the world language only in the foreseeable future. He even imagined 500 years later, all the world's people are born to learn English. According to the latest statistics of Union of International Association Yearbook, the whole world has 12,500 international organizations, which use English as an official language accounted for 85%, far higher than other language. French, ranked second, accounting for 49%.
