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资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19

[摘 要]




Vocabulary of any language carries the cultural connotations from different cultural, social and historical perspectives, which has been unfortunately lost sight of in the teaching and learning of the language itself. This paper mainly analyses the importance of cultural connotation of etymology of English language, explores origins of etymological contents from the close interrelations between vocabulary and culture, followed by the analysis of the present situation of vocabulary teaching, its problems, causes and its countermeasures in order to bring about better and more fruitful teaching and learning of English vocabulary.

Key words: etymology; cultural connotation; origins; vocabulary teaching; problem; implications

1.    Introduction
Language and culture are indispensable. Language is the carrier of culture, while culture is represented by language. The concept of culture was first defined by E.B.Taylor, who provided the first profound scientific understanding of the nature of the term in 1871. According to him, culture is “that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as member of society.” [1] The famous American linguist Sapir pointed out in his book Language that culture can be explained as what is done and thought of society, while language is the detail mode of communication of the thought. [2]
However, among the components of language, vocabulary acts as the basic component in language. As the famous British linguist Willkins said, people cannot express something if without grammar, while cannot express anything if without vocabularies. [3] “Vocabulary is not only single words or fixed idioms, but also the groups that are stored in the English native’s memory.” [4] Each kind of cultural characteristics should have their footprints in vocabulary of their languages. All these showed that it is well acknowledged that language, vocabulary, and culture are closely related.
