
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


    Politeness is a universal phenomenon that exits in all cultures and can be found in almost every aspect of our daily life. No matter it is daily communication or business communication between business corporations, politeness plays an important role in them, which also used in business e-mail. Bad-news business e-mail may cause misunderstanding in cross-cultural communication, so how to use politeness strategies in bad-news business e-mail by Chinese and English natives is the aim of this paper.

Key words: politeness;   politeness strategies;   bad-news business e-mail

摘 要



1. Introduction
    With China’s rapid economic development and entry into the WTO, China with the western countries the trade and economic exchanges between china and western countries have become more and more frequent, and become the important force of the world economic progress. Business E-mail promotes economic exchanges, realizing the win-win cooperation activities. Its importance has become more obvious.
   Politeness can not only be widely used in people’s daily conversations,but also applied in written business E-mail. In our daily communication and business e-mail, some misunderstandings often arise. Some of them are due to grammatical mistakes, but most of them are caused by unfamiliarity with the speaker’s culture. Just as Miller (J, Thomas, 1983) said, most of our misunderstandings of other people are not due to any inability to hear them,英语论文,parse their sentences or to understand their words.
