
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


The formation of the global village is bound to create rapid development of China's foreign trade. People need to talk with more and more foreign customers and establish a good relationship with the foreign people. The e-mail has become the best tool for communication with foreign customers. Exchanging information and opinion between sellers and buyers becomes an important part of the business. In this situation business letters which can express positive information become the important work of foreign trade industry. The politeness principle has become the best way to express the positive opinion.
This paper attempts to analyze the principles of the politeness and aims to find out how to express and transmission the positive information. The related theories are Leech's politeness principle and the domestic scholar’s research of politeness principle. The main purpose of this paper is to compare and reflect the use of the politeness principle to express the positive information based on my own working experience and identify the impact of politeness principle of positive information transfer. Besides, it is to help people have more smooth and effective business contacts; using words more accurate, smooth and improve the ability to use language.

Key words: Politeness Principle  Positive Information  Business Letter.

摘  要


关键词:礼貌准则  正面信息  商务信函
