
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





With the implement of the policy of reform and opening up, China is becoming more and more prosperous. China has became the leader of many domains among the developing countries. People and countries all around the world are all eager to know about China. Therefore, translation has became an essential part in multilateral communication. The Government Work Report(GWR) is an annually conclusion of China’s achievement in fields such like economy , politics , culture , education etc. It is also the blueprint of all the aspects of Chinese development in the following year.For this reason , China’s GWR is a perfect path through which foreign people can learn about Chinese policy and culture comprehensively. And from this aspect , we can put the skopos theory into use in translating GWR.The skopos theory is a theory which applies the principle of skopos, coherence and fidelity. It considers whether the translation can realize the purpose of the text. While adopting translation strategies according to the skopos theory , the translator need to emphasize the background of the readers. The translation version should be acceptable for the people of the source language. 

Key words:skopos theory;political essays;English translation;Government Work Report
