
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19





This thesis focuses on British and American surnames, and I will discuss origins and cultural connotation of the British and American surnames from multiple angles. Everyone has a surname in order to distinguish them from others, thus it is an important part of a person's entire life. I organized two major problems with my papers, one of which is the origin of British and American surnames, and the second is the cultural connotation of British and American surnames. On the origin of British and American surnames, I mainly analyze several aspects from blood relationship, place name, occupation, physical characteristics, name of animals and plants and the Bible and so on. As for the cultural connotation of British and American surnames, this paper will focus on the reflection on religion, social change, social status and other aspects of nature worship. Surname is a product of historical development; it reflects the changes in the course of a country. British and American surnames can help us understand the English culture.

Key words: British and American surnames; origin; cultural connotation; society

1. Introduction
The study of surname is a wonderful subject to research. In our country, we have lots of surnames which have become a significant part of our splendid culture.   British and American surnames also have a long history which makes them own great unique charm. Now there are plenty of British and American surnames in human’s cultural development. During the development of history, British and American surnames made great changes. Surname is a common feature of each family which shows as a tie of family members and the inheritance among family members. British and American surnames, as we know them today, family names passed down intact from father to son to grandson. The family name is a symbol for the relationship between our relatives and us.
