
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


African American’s history is a history of indomitable courage against formidable power. Before Civil Rights Movements a large number of African Americans had not been given the citizenship rights. They lived in a dark unequal world filled with oppression, segregation, violence and discrimination. Therefore, the movement of obtaining civil rights for African Americans is a frequent feature of the nation’s history and is of great historical importance. In the turbulent decades Africa-Americans fought for the freedom and emancipation in many ways such as nonviolent protest and civil disobedience. During the Civil Rights movement, many leaders from the African American community stepped on the history stage and gain their prominence, including Martin Luther King Jr., Rosa Parks, Malcolm X and others. The civil rights movement put an end to overt segregation and discrimination and the freedom struggle left a permanent mark on the nation’s history.
In addition to introduction and conclusion, this thesis, based on historical events, gives a brief introduction to the progress of African American civil rights movement in three chapters. Chapter one begins with a brief introduction to early history of African Americans, tracing the origin of slavery, describing the start of American Civil War and its impact on the slave system. Chapter two depicts American Civil Rights Movement and introduces some extraordinary and prominent people who fought for blacks’ rights through out their whole life. Chapter three explores the influence of the civil rights movement and the black culture on American society, indicating that the struggle for equality is still going on in this country.

key words: slavery; American Civil War;African American Civil Rights Movement; black culture; influence

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