
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


    English idioms are a very important part of English language culture and also among the most difficult part for English learners. English idioms reflect rich cultural information and unique cultural characteristics of English-speaking countries in terms of geography, religion, living custom, history and the other aspects. Mastering English idioms accurately can help us to better understand cultural differences and cultural connotation in English vocabulary, and use English more correctly. The value of individualism is the main value of British society. Individualism has been influencing most fields of politics, society and economics, even the character of the nation. It emphasizes the spirits of private enterprise, self-development and individual freedom.
This paper analyzes the origin of English idioms while introducing British individualism from seven aspects: humanism, equalitarianism, liberalism, money worship, individual privacy, individual competition, and individual connation. Then it illustrates that English idioms reflect the development of British individualism and points out that the British idioms are not only a part of British culture, but a mirror of it. 

Key words : English idioms; individualism; culture; British

摘  要


关键词: 英国成语;个人主义;文化;英国
