
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


The word "taboo" means an inhibition or ban resulting from social custom or emotional aversion. Taboo was originally used by the native speakers of Tongan. In 1777, English people who called Captain James Cook arrived in south Pacific Polynesian Tonga. In Tonga, he found a strange phenomenon in Tongan people’s daily life. Many things were forbidden to do, many foods were forbidden to eat, and some words were not allowed to say. This phenomenon was called taboo there. People who violate taboo will result in various punishments even death. And it has been a very important field of those studies of religion and custom. There are phenomena of using taboo in every nation and society. Furthermore, with the development of globalization, the intercultural communication has been increasingly strengthened. It is unavoidable for people with different cultural backgrounds may encounter various problems, misunderstandings and conflicts. Because women are more sensitive than men in taboos, we should pay more attention on feminine taboos in intercultural communication. To reduce the communication barriers, this paper analyzes a comparative study of Chinese and English feminine taboos in intercultural communication. Meanwhile, the focus of this paper is the feminine taboos between Chinese and English, which covers the introduction, general introduction of taboo, similar feminine taboos in English and Chinese, different feminine taboos in English and Chinese, the relation between feminine taboos and feminine euphemism and the conclusion and the change of taboos.

Keywords: intercultural communication; feminine taboo; comparative study; euphemism



