
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19



In contemporary society, it is inevitable for individuals to be involved in the complicated social communication. Language, as a powerful social behavior, is playing a pivotal role in the social affairs concerning interpersonal relations. Obviously, as the most widely used language, English is bound to be powerful in social affairs. Considerable progress has been made via the researches on the sociolect varieties, and is continuously upgrading, exerting significant influences at the academic level and social level. The study of sociolect varieties primarily concentrate on the analysis of the distinctive social habits and speech acts manifested in the social communications among those who live in a particular social group. In the integration with the society, mutual influence and mutual interaction contribute to the gradual formation of social dialects and variants. This paper aims to analyze the social demonstration of sociolect varieties of the English language from several perspectives. Starting from some relevant key concepts, the elemental features and social manifestations over the process of formation and expansion are then to be probed after the in-depth exploration of the social factors of certain sociolect varieties. Besides, attempts are to be made to optimize the methods of interpreting the social dialects and the communicative function, so as to deepen the understanding of its nature. Therefore, the analysis on the social factors of the sociolect varieties of the English language has vital implications not only for grasping of the essence of language but also for social communication.
Key words:  the English language;  society;  sociolect;  varieties;  social factors
