
资料分类免费英语论文 责任编辑:小天老师更新时间:2017-04-19


Tropes are most frequently applied to English advertisements. This paper focuses on simile, metaphor and metonymy to discuss the application of tropes in advertisements. The paper lists examples to elaborate effects of tropes on English advertisements from perspectives of semantics and structure. In terms of semantics, tropes in advertisements can vividly describe features of objects and make advertisements easy to be understood by others. At the same time, they make abstract ideas more concrete and the meaning of English advertisements more definite. Without tropes, English advertisements would be tedious. In terms of structure, using tropes in advertisements makes English advertisements brief in word, but vivid in image. Undoubtedly, the use of tropes in advertisements gives an advertisement another new birth and impresses customers greatly.

Key words: English advertisement, trope, simile, metaphor, metonymy




1. Introduction
    Advertisements have already become an important part of our daily life. We are exposed to advertisements whenever we turn on the TV, read magazines or newspapers, walk on the street or surf on the internet. We are living in a world of advertisements and have been deeply influenced by them. Its popularity has aroused a great amount of interest in studying a language of advertisements in different disciplines such as anthropology, sociology, linguistics, literary criticism and medium studies. Tropes as one of the important features advertising language has also been studied by language learners and many linguists (Li Zhong, 2017).
